Erythema migrans in der Schwangerschaft: Klinische Charakteristika und Therapie.
Abstract, Konferenzband. 2009; -53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie; NOV 27-29, 2009; Salzburg, AUSTRIA. [Poster]
Abstract, Konferenzband. 2009; -53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie; NOV 27-29, 2009; Salzburg, AUSTRIA. [Poster]
J AMER ACAD DERMATOL. 2009; 60(3):AB119-AB119.-67th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Dermatology; MAR 06-10, 2009; San Francisco, CA, USA. [Poster]
-2009; -18th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology; OCT 7-10, 2009; Berlin, GERMANY. [Poster]
Abstractband der ÖGDV 2009; -53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie; NOV 27-29, 2009; Salzburg, AUSTRIA. [Poster]
Infliximab has become increasingly important in the treatment of SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis) syndrome. There is, however, little experience with this biological agent, and treatment protocols usually follow the regimens for spondylarthropathies. We report a patient with a highly unusual and severe clinical presentation of SAPHO syndrome including widespread bone and skin [...]
In: Paulauskas V, Bagdonavičius V, compilers. Abstract book. 22nd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT), TEV 2008; 71-71.-22nd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT) ; Jun 16-19, 2008; Vilnius, LITHUANIA. [Poster]
-2008; -52. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie; NOV, 28-30, 2008; Vienna, AUSTRIA. [Poster]
Abstract CD-ROM. 2008; -17th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Sept 17-21, 2008; Paris, FRANCE. [Poster]
Allergy 2008; 63: 25-25.-Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology; JUNE 7-11, 2008; Barcelona, SPAIN. [Oral Communication]
Allergo J. 2008; 17 (Suppl 1): 9--8. Arbeitsgespräch Insektengiftallergie; JUNE 20-21, 2008; Bayreuth, GERMANY. [Oral Communication]
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